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    The Connected Family Handbook The Connected Family Handbook

    The Connected Family Handbook



    The Connected Family Handbook How can simple activities help us connect more fully with our children and live more happily together? What types of games will encourage children to be kind to others? How can crafting and outdoor play build respect for...

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    A Waldorf Song Book A Waldorf Song Book

    A Waldorf Song Book



    A Waldorf Song Book This much-loved book is a collection of over one hundred songs, some well known, some less known, collected over the years by experienced Waldorf teacher Brien Masters. They are graded for different ages from Class 3 (age 8) to...

  • Spin a Scarf of Sunshine Spin a Scarf of Sunshine

    Spin a Scarf of Sunshine



    Spin a Scarf of Sunshine Nari lives on a small farm with hens and bees and apple trees, and cares for a little lamb of her own. The seasons turn and Nari's lamb grows into a fine sheep with a fleece that is ready to shear. Nari and her family use...

  • How Does My Fruit Grow? by Gerda Muller How Does My Fruit Grow? by Gerda Muller

    How Does My Fruit Grow?



    How Does My Fruit Grow? by Gerda Muller Sophie loves visiting her aunt and uncle in the countryside and learning all about the fruits that grow in their garden: strawberries, redcurrants and cranberries. She even discovers how a tall cherry tree...

  • Numerica

    Numerica: A Waldorf Book of Counting



    Numerica: A Waldorf Book of Counting by Gloria Kemp Once upon a time there lived a girl named Sky and a boy named Bilko, who loved to dance and play tag with the butterflies in the fields. When they were asked how many butterflies and ants they...

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    Where Do They Go When it Rains? - Cover Where Do They Go When it Rains? - Peek Inside

    Where Do They Go When it Rains?



    Where Do They Go When it Rains? Stef takes the twins out for a walk to the pond. On their way they pass through fields full of flowers, grasshoppers and bees. They stop at a farm, where they feed the hens, pigs and ponies. But when they reach the pond,...

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    How Does My Garden Grow? - Cover How Does My Garden Grow?

    How Does My Garden Grow?



    How Does My Garden Grow? by Gerda Muller Sophie lives in the city, and her vegetables come from the supermarket. Then she goes to visit her grandparents in the countryside -- and soon discovers how much there is to learn about how things...